Request an estimate / book your appointment

Sharpen Up operates Monday-Friday

Requested Dates & times sometimes need to be modified. Requests are only confirmed when you receive a confirmation email.

How to book your mobile service:

Confirm you have at least 6 items before you begin
  1. Select an available date on the calendar (black box only)
  2. Select time
  3. Fill out all required fields
  4. Click ‘Submit Request’. If you receive an error, select another day and try again

To begin, click on an available black box on the calendar below (you may have to scroll to the next month to see available dates)

Calendar is loading...
Available (select available time below)
Fully Booked (grey squares are also fully booked)

IMPORTANT: You will receive an email stating your request was successfully submitted. If you don’t receive it, try again and check your junk. If you still haven’t received it, ensure your email is correct & submit again. Contact me if you have issues.